The Pre-College Scholars Summer Virtual Program has strict academic conduct and online community policies to protect the health, safety, and academic integrity of program participants and UC Berkeley community members. Failure to abide by the UC Berkeley Pre-College Scholars Summer Virtual Program policies may put the health, safety and academic performance of program participants at risk and expose them to danger.
It is the responsibility of every student participating in the Pre-College Scholars Summer Virtual Program to follow all the rules and regulations in place as outlined in, but not limited to the Berkeley Campus Code of Student Conduct, the UC Berkeley principles of community, the Campus Online Activities Policy, the UC Berkeley Pre-College Scholars Summer Virtual Program Code of Conduct & Agreement Form and any additional policies specified by individual faculty and/or instructional staff.
Actions or general behavior that disrupt, interfere with, or otherwise impede the operation of the program or the rights or welfare of any person are strictly prohibited. Any violations of the UC Berkeley Pre-College Scholars Summer Virtual Program policies and other applicable university policies may result in serious disciplinary actions and/ or immediate dismissal from the program, monetary fines, probation, and/ or criminal prosecution. All fines and penalties are the sole responsibility of the program participant in violation.
Policies and regulations are in place to protect the safety of program participants and UC Berkeley community members, and cannot realistically cover all situations. The Deputy Director of Summer Sessions will determine if any rules or policies have been violated and what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken.
Additionally, all students must familiarize themselves with the program's Standards of Conduct and Online Space and Technology Policies.