Program participants should treat online class meetings, and remote programming as if attending class or activities on the physical campus. Program participants should conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible manner when interacting with others in the online space. The use of methods of expression that are appropriate for a healthy learning environment is required. The use of obscene, derogatory, or abusive language is strictly prohibited and may result in serious disciplinary actions and/or immediate dismissal from the program and the university.
- Joining an online meeting while driving or riding in a car is strictly prohibited. Program participants can only join from a suitable ,quiet location, with a device that permits full participation in class activities.
- The use of recording devices of any kind, the recording of an online meeting as well as the distribution of any learning material made available to program participants, without the permission of the instructor or staff member are strictly prohibited.
- Program participants are not allowed to publicly display affection in a way that makes other participants or staff members uncomfortable in the online space.
- Parents, friends, or family members are not allowed to participate in online class meetings. Enrolled program participants should attend online sessions alone, unless an exception has been made through the academic departments and/or instructors to accommodate a student’s disability.
- Program participants are not allowed to instigate or participate in pranks targeted toward other program participants, or UC Berkeley community members.
- Program participants are not allowed to distribute the contact information, image, or likeness of any fellow student, instructor, or staff member without explicit permission of the person whose information, image, or likeness is to be shared.
- The deliberate sharing of private images, communications, learning materials or other depictions of other students, staff, or instructors for the purpose of inviting external commentary, ridicule, or embarrassment, is prohibited and will result in serious disciplinary actions and/or immediate dismissal from the program.
- Asking instructors and staff members for a social media connection or sending them a “friend” request is strictly prohibited. Program participants can never interact with instructors or staff members in a personal way outside of the program.
- Regardless of the program participant’s age or the location from which they are attending the UC Berkeley Pre-College Scholars Summer Virtual Program, possession, distribution or consumption of cigarettes, vapes, Juuls, alcohol or illegal drugs (including marijuana) is strictly prohibited and will result in serious disciplinary and/or dismissal from the program.
Recommendations for Required Virtual One-on-one Interactions with Faculty and Staff
In situations requiring one-on-one interaction with faculty or staff members during the program ( ex. Attending faculty office hours, advising …), students are encouraged to do the following:
- Attend the meeting with the knowledge of their parents or legal guardians.
- If possible, attend the meeting from an open space in their home and not in a closed room (ex. living room is an ideal option).
- Request that another adult attend the meeting with them (ex. GSI, parent/legal guardian).
- Always copy their parent/legal guardian, GSI, or adviser as appropriate in all their email correspondence during the program.