For a large public university like UC Berkeley, it is very important to foster a sense of belonging for all incoming pre-college students. Therefore, we offer the Cub Hub. This virtual space serves as a ‘recourse center’ and a space for all program participants, regardless of track, to come together. In addition to including student handbooks, forms, and other logistical resources, the Cub Hub houses recordings of all our virtual programming and conversations, providing full access even after the formal conclusion of the program.
This 'one-stop' shop continued will be updated throughout the entire summer with resources that range from self-care and effective study habits to mentorship opportunities and staff meet-and-greet videos. To ensure the students stay on track, a program calendar is featured to reflect all the important logistical deadlines students needed to keep in mind in addition to mostly optional synchronous programming offered. Advising is also available through this space two times a week for those who need a ‘real-time’ connection.
Additionally, college exploration workshops, community-building socials, and interactive extracurricular activities are planned by UC Berkeley Pre-College Ambassadors and program staff to help you meet other students, make the most out of your time at Berkeley, and prepare you for your future college experience.