In addition to in-person lectures and discussions, most classes will be utilizing bCourses, which is our Berkeley virtual platform powered by Canvas. To learn more about bCourses and Canvas, you can visit the following link. For more information, please contact the academic department that is offering the course of interest directly. Keep in mind that sometimes you will not see your courses bCourse site reflected on your end until the first day of the class whether in-person or online.
Some courses might utilize Piazza. Piazza is an intuitive platform for instructors to efficiently manage class Q&A. Students can post questions and collaborate to edit responses to these questions. Instructors can also answer questions, endorse student answers, and edit or delete any posted content.
Piazza is designed to simulate real class discussion. It aims to get high quality answers to difficult questions, fast!
Fun fact: The name Piazza comes from the Italian word for plaza--a common city square where people can come together to share knowledge and ideas. We strive to recreate that communal atmosphere among students and instructors.