Attendance: Except in cases of a serious illness, program participants should attend all required class meetings and required program activities on time.Program participants should communicate directly with their instructor if they need to miss a class. Communication should happen in advance of the absence whenever possible.
Student Conduct: Program participants must abide by the academic rules of conduct as established by Student Conduct Code Policy, the Berkeley Honor Code and the Pre-College Scholars Residential Track Student Agreement. Program participants should uphold high standards of academic integrity, including producing work that is their own creation, and meeting intellectual challenges through honest effort and hard work. Plagiarism may be cause for dismissal from the program and from the University.
Respect for Self and others: Program participants should show respect and courtesy to all UC Berkeley community members, including fellow students, staff, instructors, volunteers, online community, and affiliates. Any type of disrespectful, exclusionary, discriminatory, threatening, aggressive, or abusive behavior is strictly prohibited.
- Harassment and bullying are strictly prohibited, including but not limited to all forms of verbal, written, cyber, graphic, sexual, and physical misconduct. Engaging in any form of misconduct will not be tolerated and may result in serious disciplinary actions and/ or immediate dismissal from the program and the university.
- Discrimination against a person’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression is strictly prohibited and may result in serious disciplinary actions and/or immediate dismissal from the program and the university.